General Information
Rooms 253, 254 and B12 are our computer classrooms. Room 254, with 42 upgraded eMac computers, is designated our Online Learning Lab. We are currently scheduling classes using Explore Learning, ALEKS, and other online services in this classroom. Room 253 is designated as our Multimedia Project Lab, for classes who are creating multimedia projects.
Please visit room 253 if you would like to bring your classes for projects. The computer classrooms are available to all classes on a first-come, first-served sign-up basis. Plan on being in the lab with your classes - do not sign up if you know you are going to be absent! We will not allow classes into the Technology Center with a substitute teacher.
Please fill out the online Technology Request Form for sign-up information.
In addition to the labs we have several mobile labs that are also available on a first-come, first-served sign up basis. Contact the computer room for details. The mobile labs are not available in the bungalows or the 260s.
Peripherals such as digital cameras, projectors and sound systems are generally available. Please plan as far in advance as possible to effectively integrate our instructional technology with your lessons.
Mobile Computers for Teacher Use
The Technology Center does not have laptops for long term use. Check with your department or PLE if you are asking for a laptop to be signed out to you for your own use. The Technology Center loans out laptops for instructional delivery only. Laptops are not loaned out for attendance or record keeping. If the desktop computer in your class is not working, contact the Technology Center, or better yet, fill out the online form for service from the Technology Center link on the home page.
Laptops for instructional delivery are loaned out for two-week periods, pending administrator approval of the equipment request form and the LAUSD form DB-15.
Comments & Suggestions
Request for Computer Lab Form
Technology Center Service Request